Year "Posts From 2021"

28 results

Sobre LLMs Y El Fin De La Web Abierta Tal Y Como La Conocemos

16 December 2021- 5 mins read

De un tiempo a esta parte, los avances en el campo de la inteligencia artificial han llevado a la creación de unos nuevos modelos de lenguaje más potentes que en pasado, como el GPT-3 del que hablé...

Haciendo masa madre [receta]

11 December 2021- 4 mins read

La masa madre es un tipo de leudado natural que se utiliza como agente de fermentación en la elaboración de pan, panqueques, galletas y otras preparaciones. Se obtiene a partir de una mezcla de agu...

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) Goes Live

02 December 2021- 1 min read

Last February I published an article about Alibaba Cloud EDS, detailing how to install and use the software from Alibaba Cloud to make use of this VDI solution.

Inteligencia artificial, comprensión multilingüe y democratización del conocimiento

21 November 2021- 6 mins read

Incluso en la era de Internet y la supermegahiperconexión, el acceso a conocimiento proveniente de diversas culturas y regiones del mundo sigue siendo un desafío. El idioma siempre ha sido una barr...

Mi kit EDC para montañismo

19 November 2021- 2 mins read

Este no pretende ser un post sobre lo que debes o no llevar al monte. Solo quería compartir mi kit EDC, que, basado en mi experiencia, ha demostrado ser suficiente para manejar casi cualquier situa...

Upgrading my MTBs rear disc from 160 mm to 203 mm

16 November 2021- 3 mins read

Turns out my cycling style when on an MTB is quite intense on the rear brakes, so much that after only 130 km of using my new bike, the rear discs were already showing signs of overheating while th...

Sobre el Parador Provincial de Turismo de Jaizkibel

01 November 2021- 6 mins read

Un poco de historia…

Upgrade Bkool BCycling (Classic or Pro pre-Aug2014) to ANT+ FE-C

11 October 2021- 6 mins read

Hopefully this is useful for more people like me who, like me, had an old Bkool Classic rotting in a corner as they couldn’t use it.

Aderezo vietnamita de salsa de pescado (Nước Chấm)

06 October 2021- 1 min read


Host-based routing with Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes (ACK)

05 October 2021- 8 mins read

When creating a multi-deployment platform in Kubernetes, you will quickly realise how many LoadBalancer-type Services you deployed. This is usually not a problem with a self-built, self-hosted Clus...

Testing the new Alibaba Cloud 7th Gen ECS Instances

11 August 2021- 6 mins read

As part of being an Alibaba Cloud MVP, I get to test from time to time new products from this cloud provider for free, which is a really nice thing to have. This greatly helps me with my business, ...

Nueva cuenta en Instagram sobre Tailandia

09 July 2021- 1 min read

Tras un intenso y profundo viaje por toda la geografía de Tailandia, acabo de crear una cuenta de Instagram para contar, desde el punto de vista de un local y en español, cómo se vive en Tailandia:

Alibaba Cloud Free Tier and Free Services

06 June 2021- 5 mins read

In this post, I want to introduce you to the free tier and always-free services offered by Alibaba Cloud. It’s important to test out the platform and try out the services before deciding to use a c...

Travelling Internationally While COVID-19

28 April 2021- 3 mins read

2020 wasn’t a normal year. Period. Australian fires, Kobe Bryant’s death, COVID-19, a massive monkey brawl in Thailand… But, yes, specially COVID-19.

How And Why I Built A Remote Business

25 April 2021- 11 mins read

I’ve been working since I was 16 years old, first at a moving company, a couple of junk food joints, a sports shop, an electronics store… then I moved to Australia and enjoyed some roles as web dev...

Dealing With Large Docker Images in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes

18 April 2021- 6 mins read

All applications starts in the same way, usually with a simple deployment made up of a tiny and organised Docker Container which is built and deployed within minutes. As your business grows, that t...

Lower the latency of your application in China with BGP Pro

14 April 2021- 9 mins read

The usual problem for companies with some sort of presence in China is the platform speed for their end users located in the Mainland, this stems from the complexities deriving out the views on how...

How A Single Character Broke Alibaba Cloud’s Container Registry

13 April 2021- 5 mins read

You load the site… it doesn’t work. You check the console… some weird error. You examine the code… nothing specially wrong. The debugging nightmare begins! This post starts with something “too” com...

Sobreviviendo En Un Mundo BANI

09 April 2021- 5 mins read

Que vivimos en una era marcada por cambios rápidos y constantes y en muchas direcciones no hay que ni explicarlo. Los expertos, en esa lucha constante para comprender y controlar el mundo que nos r...

Inter-VPC connections with Alibaba Cloud Firewall Enterprise

02 April 2021- 4 mins read

In the last article I talked about the product called Cloud Firewall, the FaaS (Firewall as a Service) from Alibaba Cloud, a great alternative and a must-go in terms of capabilities, pricing and lo...

Overview of the Cloud Firewall from Alibaba Cloud

01 April 2021- 5 mins read

When it comes to protecting machines from malicious network connections there are plenty of options, and depends on which portion of the network request you care about.

Mi mochila cuando viajo

18 March 2021- 1 min read

Como viajero habitual, viajar con el equipo adecuado es esencial para mantener la productividad y la conectividad durante el camino. Aquí os voy a enseñar lo que siempre incluyo en mi maleta y cómo...

Terminating SSL on an Alibaba Cloud SLB with Kubernetes

10 March 2021- 3 mins read

SSL termination, sometimes so easy, sometimes so hard… If you ended up reading this article you probably are in the second group. Welcome to the brotherhood, mate.

América y España fueron una misma entidad, no una colonia

16 February 2021- 11 mins read

Es curioso cómo, al mirar atrás, la historia puede distorsionarse y cómo ciertas narrativas simplificadas pueden cambiar la percepción colectiva. El ejemplo que traigo de esto es la visión errónea ...

Running a basic managed Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch

09 February 2021- 7 mins read

There are moments in the development of a platform where you know you hit a point of no return. Remember Emmet Brown in Back To The Future III? Yep, pass that point and you either succeed or fall i...

Apoyando El Nuevo Santuario Libertad De Frank Cuesta

09 February 2021- 3 mins read

Colaborar con organizaciones que protegen a los animales es una de las formas más gratificantes de hacer de este mundo un lugar un poquito mejor. Recientemente, el famoso conservacionista y present...

Testing the Alibaba Cloud Elastic Desktop Service (EDS)

08 February 2021- 12 mins read

Thanks to being an Alibaba Cloud Diamond MVP, I’m one of the first to test this VDI product from them called EDS.

Giving Internet Access to an Alibaba Cloud Serverless K8s Pod

15 January 2021- 8 mins read

By default, a user would use an ECS Instance when deploying applications on Alibaba Cloud. This usually is the go-to solution of most people. An ECS Instance in Alibaba Cloud is a Virtual Machine t...