Year "Posts From 2019"

27 results

Exploring Aliyun’s Linux Distribution

05 December 2019- 9 mins read

In this article I’ll go through the advantages of using Aliyun Linux, a CentOS-based Linux distribution developed and maintained by Alibaba Cloud. Compared to other available Virtual Machines like ...

Escapando De La Anglofonía: Volviendo a La Iberofonía

02 December 2019- 5 mins read

Llegué a Australia en 2014. Pensando que tras ver los canguros, koalas y demás curiosidades varias volvería tras un año a la península Ibérica. Que sería una aventura de expat, nada más.

Alicloud Container Registry Terraform Module

22 November 2019- 5 mins read

A Terraform module to create a private Container Registry namespace and a RAM role able to pull/push from the namespace created. Alicloud Terraform Module.

Build your own serverless ECS Instance monitor

08 November 2019- 13 mins read

When dealing with critical ECS instances, specially the ones running our applications, many times we worry about their performance all the time, sometimes to the point in where we need to pay or le...

IoT with Alibaba Cloud – Webinar

22 October 2019- 2 mins read

Learn how your devices can connect to Alibaba Cloud’s Internet of Things (IoT) solution by setting up a simulated IoT device. Have a look to the Webinar I recorded while in Hangzhou at Alibaba’s of...

Experiencing Bullet Time And 6DoF In Hangzhou

01 October 2019- 1 min read

As you know, I recently co-hosted some of the activities during the Apsara Conference in Hangzhou. Among them, the Apsara Entertainment area. This is where I found myself, standing before a semicir...

MVP Interview at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 5:26 minutes

I was interviewed by Wei Tong, Senior Content Marketing Strategist at Alibaba Cloud. We discussed my motivations to become an MVP, talked about the evolution of the industry and explained how Aliba...

MVP Booth Tour part 2 at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 4:11 minutes

To help people understand what was going on in the different exhibitions, we made a tour showcasing the top activities inside the hall C. Don’t miss these videos if you want to see how bad at skate...

MVP Booth Tour part 1 at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 4:36 minutes

To help people understand what was going on in the different exhibitions, we made a tour showcasing the top activities inside the hall C. Don’t miss these videos if you want to see how bad at skate...

The Apsara Conference (云栖大会) 2019

29 September 2019- 6 mins read

This article is about my experience at the Apsara Conference 2019, for the Instagram stories posts go to my Instagram profile.

Alibaba Cloud MVP Global Summit 2019

25 September 2019- 1 min read

As part of the Apsara Conference (Yunqi Conference in chinese, 云栖大会), but one day ahead the official start, the MVP Global Summit was held in Hangzhou (杭州).

Why I chose to build Cirrus Audit on Alibaba Cloud?

20 August 2019- 11 mins read

Alberto Roura is an Alibaba Cloud MVP Diamond, Tech Writer and ACP Certified. He is the founder of Cirrus Audit, a Cloud Consultancy business that is currently trialing a public beta of its first S...

Linkt TRP-4010 Transponder (Kapsch tag)

10 August 2019- 1 min read

In case you got one of these Linkt toll tags, and you are wondering what it holds inside, no worries, I did that for you.

SSH Tunnelling With Alibaba Cloud To Expose A Local Environment

30 July 2019- 11 mins read

What we want to solve with this tutorial?

August Edition, Sydney Serverless [Meetup]

30 July 2019- 3 mins read

Alibaba Cloud have kindly invited us to their Castlereagh Street offices in between Martin Place and Wynyard stations.

Accessing Salesforce from China

25 July 2019- 4 mins read

Yesterday, Alibaba Cloud and Salesforce announced a significant strategic partnership. Under this agreement, Alibaba Cloud became the exclusive provider of Salesforce’s customer relationship manage...

Dynamic IP, Home NAS and Alibaba Cloud API

15 July 2019- 14 mins read

When I got my NAS, I had clear that I wanted to access it from anywhere in the world, as I’m a person who loves travelling and from time to time I’ll need the documents, photos and files in general...

How I built a serverless SaaS product on Alibaba Cloud

11 July 2019- 11 mins read

Cirrus Audit Panel is a multicloud resource optimisation SaaS platform targeted to SME businesses (investors welcomed). It aims to help IT professionals deal with multiple cloud providers and accou...

Using Aliyun Fun with Function Compute

09 July 2019- 7:14 minutes

This GitHub repository is being created to help you understand how to easily deal with emails when working on serverless/microservice architectures on Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.

Using PouchContainer to Deploy a Node Site in Alibaba Cloud

19 April 2019- 10 mins read

In today’s post, we will learn how to deploy a Node site using VueJS to an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Instance by using PouchContainer, Alibaba’s open source solution for container...

Tengine, Docker, and PHP Application Best Practices

19 April 2019- 10 mins read

From a DevOps point of view, the importance of a good architected solution, with proper separation of responsibilities, is fundamental for the long-term success of any application. This case we are...

Building Highly Scalable Marketing Campaigns With Alibaba Cloud

07 April 2019- 7 mins read

Alibaba Cloud (阿里云) is certainly becoming an obvious place where growing organisations are migrating their websites and campaigns to the cloud. This is helping them seeing a lot more prosperity in ...

FinOps y El Fin Del Cloud Barato

20 March 2019- 5 mins read

Es innegable que el cloud computing ha revolucionado la forma en que las empresas almacenan, procesan y acceden a sus datos, y nada parece predecir que esta tendencia vaya atrás. Gigantes de la ind...

IoT with Alibaba Cloud [Meetup]

08 March 2019- 1 min read

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud’s IoT platform and discussion of different use-cases. Hear how to leverage the IoT platform to create the next-gen gadgets.

Alibaba Cloud ACP Cloud Computing Exam Tips

31 January 2019- 9 mins read

I recently passed my ACP (Alibaba Cloud Professional) Cloud Computing Certification exam. As Alibaba Cloud MVP Diamond, I want to help you to pass as well with the Alibaba Cloud ACP Exam Questions.

国画 – 人工智能 – Artificial Intelligence

12 January 2019- 1 min read

This is one of the best “guóhuà” paintings I’ve ever seen. Combines traditional Chinese painting with modernity. In this case, with Artificial Intelligence.

Alibaba Cloud Academy Certifications

11 January 2019- 3 mins read

Alibaba Cloud Academy is the certification and training department of Alibaba Cloud (阿里云). There you can learn from Alibaba Cloud experts, improve your skills and knowledge. All training courses ar...