19 results
If you, like me, have a Raspberry Pi Zero W lying around, why not repurpose it into a LoRaWAN gateway using the LR1302 module? In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to set up ChirpStack on...
Thanks to being an MVP Diamond, I’m one of the first to test this VDI product called EDS.
Cloud providers, specially those ranked higher like Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud or Amazon Web Services, tend to follow very scrupulously all regulations everywhere they have a data center or PoP...
Imagine a example.com with some example.com/es, example.com/fr with content related to each country. One solution is a javascript-based country detector that could ask the visitor to change the cur...
This article will help you gain free access to pay-for-use wireless hotspots such as in the airport or the local coffee shops. Many articles I have read on how to gain free Internet access deal wit...
Mucho se ha hablado ya de los media queries en CSS para ir adaptando el estilo de la página web según el tamaño del navegador. Pero, en muchas ocasiones, usamos funciones en JavaScript que, dependi...
Acabas de terminarla. Tienes una flamante nueva web. La pruebas en Firefox, bien. La pruebas en Safari, bien. La pruebas en Opera, bien. La pruebas en Internet Explorer, bien incluso. La pruebas en...
Como a mí, a muchos de los que vivimos en un país con una moneda diferente a la de la patria madre nos ocurre que, al tener todos los gastos apuntados en una hoja de cálculo, queremos contrastar co...
Hoy os traigo algo interesante, aunque sea una chorrada como una casa. Pero bueno, para eso está el blog, ¿no?
JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the ...
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Some plugin desapeared to your WordPress installation? Some hacked thing? No problem, if you fix the file permissions on your files you will harden your site.
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