This bash script emulates a fight between 2 Pokemons using the PokeAPI from the terminal. It uses the field attack from stats for the fight.
Just this past Monday I got my request for the GitHub Copilot Technical Preview approved. After a couple of days using it I feel how completely changed how I approach problem-solving. For years, I ...
Nuevas tecnologías, nuevos problemas.
Contributing to Open Source projects makes any developer feel good and with a purpose. Seeing how your help is solving real-world issues is certainly a good feeling. In return, Free Software has gi...
If you’ve noticed your MacBook Pro A1398 experiencing decreased battery life or, worse yet, a bloated battery, it’s time for a replacement. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the pro...
En una entrevista reciente con Elena Marcos para la web de la consultora donde trabajo, exploramos mi viaje desde mi adolescencia cuando competía en ciclismo hasta convertirme ahora en DevOps Leade...
La mitología griega siempre ha sido una fuente de inspiración para el arte y la cultura, y eso incluye el diseño de diferentes objetos y elementos de la vida cotidiana. Un ejemplo de ello es la nue...
When we talk about storage we often think about hard drives, USB sticks and devices of the kind. All those solutions are okay for personal computers (and even for servers to store the basic Operati...