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Apoyando El Nuevo Santuario Libertad De Frank Cuesta

09 February 2021- 3 mins read

Colaborar con organizaciones que protegen a los animales es una de las formas más gratificantes de hacer de este mundo un lugar un poquito mejor. Recientemente, el famoso conservacionista y present...

Testing the Alibaba Cloud Elastic Desktop Service (EDS)

08 February 2021- 12 mins read

Thanks to being an MVP Diamond, I’m one of the first to test this VDI product called EDS.

Giving Internet Access to an Alibaba Cloud Serverless K8s Pod

15 January 2021- 8 mins read

By default, a user would use an ECS Instance when deploying applications on Alibaba Cloud. This usually is the go-to solution of most people. An ECS Instance in Alibaba Cloud is a Virtual Machine t...

Testing the new Alibaba Cloud 6th Gen ECS Instances

07 December 2020- 6 mins read

As part of being an Alibaba Cloud MVP Diamond, I get to test from time to time new products from this cloud provider for free, which is a really nice thing to have. In this occasion, thanks to some...

Pasados coloniales, venganza y reconciliación

23 October 2020- 7 mins read

La moral humana ha ido transformándose y evolucionando a lo largo de los siglos, un cambio que ha sucedido por la interacción constante entre culturas y civilizaciones, llevando a incontables conqu...

[Webinar] El Ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud

24 September 2020- 13:31 minutes

El 24 de septiembre hice un pequeño webinar (15 minutos). En esta sesión descubriremos el ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud e introduciremos los servicios y herramientas que este proveedor clo...

The Apsara Conference Dialogue, Alberto Roura

23 September 2020- 3:14 minutes

At the Apsara Conference 2020 I shared with the public why I chose Alibaba Cloud:

Protecting Your Data With Alibaba Cloud KMS

18 August 2020- 6 mins read

Cloud providers, specially those ranked higher like Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud or Amazon Web Services, tend to follow very scrupulously all regulations everywhere they have a data center or PoP...