Tag "tech share"

16 results

Create a Cross-Region Active-Active Application on Alibaba Cloud

22 June 2020- 10 mins read

Consider the following situation. You are a race-car driver and your car is at the starting line. Your helmet is on and you already heated up your tires. Then, you look to your left, and the driver...

Setting up GitOps with Alibaba Cloud OSS and GitHub Actions

15 June 2020- 9 mins read

When dealing with GitHub, we used to always link it with CI/CD tools like CircleCI, Jenkins or Travis, among other tools, to extend the functionality of its resources and also to automate a wide va...

Working with Tengine and OpenResty

04 April 2020- 10 mins read

If you are thinking of implementing some type of callback URL for a pipeline action, endpoint, or something more complex like an API Gateway, you probably may run in the problem of not knowing whic...

Exploring Aliyun’s Linux Distribution

05 December 2019- 9 mins read

In this article I’ll go through the advantages of using Aliyun Linux, a CentOS-based Linux distribution developed and maintained by Alibaba Cloud. Compared to other available Virtual Machines like ...

Build your own serverless ECS Instance monitor

08 November 2019- 13 mins read

When dealing with critical ECS instances, specially the ones running our applications, many times we worry about their performance all the time, sometimes to the point in where we need to pay or le...

SSH Tunnelling With Alibaba Cloud To Expose A Local Environment

30 July 2019- 11 mins read

What we want to solve with this tutorial?

Using PouchContainer to Deploy a Node Site in Alibaba Cloud

19 April 2019- 10 mins read

In today’s post, we will learn how to deploy a Node site using VueJS to an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Instance by using PouchContainer, Alibaba’s open source solution for container...

Tengine, Docker, and PHP Application Best Practices

19 April 2019- 10 mins read

From a DevOps point of view, the importance of a good architected solution, with proper separation of responsibilities, is fundamental for the long-term success of any application. This case we are...

Build your first serverless website with Alibaba Cloud

22 November 2018- 11 mins read

Serverless is the buzzword among developers recently, right? Well, do you really know how to take full advantage of it? This tutorial will help you to create a small, serverless personal webpage by...

Function Compute to Power Schedule Alibaba Cloud ECS Instances

21 November 2018- 13 mins read

In web development we have to deal with different environments when developing, testing and deploying our websites or applications. This way of doing things is very useful because it lets you show ...

How to Deploy Apps Effortlessly with Packer and Terraform

09 August 2018- 10 mins read

Alibaba Cloud published a very neat white paper about DevOps that is very interesting to read. It shows how “DevOps is a model that goes beyond simple implementation of agile principles to manage t...

Create a VPN-secured VPC with Packer and Terraform

09 August 2018- 13 mins read

Securing a web application in terms of access management can be tricky, as there are multiple ways to do it in an acceptable way.

Hosting Multiple Websites on a Single Alibaba Cloud ECS Server

25 May 2018- 15 mins read

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to run two or more websites using the same Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Instance using Docker Compose and a Reverse Proxy. I’ll show two op...

Setting Up Load Balancers Using Terraform

13 April 2018- 14 mins read

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a CMS, in this case Bolt, on Alibaba Cloud using a Load Balancer and RDS with 3 ECS instances attached. We will be doing this based on a DevOps appro...

Dynamic DNS using Alibaba Cloud DNS API

09 February 2018- 14 mins read

According to Wikipedia, “Dynamic DNS (DDNS or DynDNS) is a method of automatically updating a name server record, often in real time, with the active Dynamic DNS configuration of its configured hos...

Run Bolt With Docker And Terraform With Alibaba Cloud

08 February 2018- 15 mins read

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up Bolt on Alibaba Cloud ECS. We will be doing this based on a DevOps approach.