Tag "DIY"

8 results

Replacing the A1618 battery to a MacBook Pro A1398

18 February 2022- 4 mins read

If you’ve noticed your MacBook Pro A1398 experiencing decreased battery life or, worse yet, a bloated battery, it’s time for a replacement. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the pro...

Moving the internal electronics of an Audi 3-key remote

07 August 2020- 1 min read

I recently got a replacement case for my Audi 3-key remote. The kit only comes with the actual housing, so the idea is to replace everything inside. The only “gotcha” I found when replacing the ele...

Building a DIY foldable hobo stove

03 May 2020- 2 mins read

For some time I’ve been trying to build my own EDC (everyday carry) kit for different situations. One of the requirements is to be able to boil water (to cook or to clean water). For this I tried t...

Impermeabilizar Cerillas

09 April 2020- 1 min read

Cuando vas al monte en invierno, corres el riesgo de quedar empapado de agua. Uno de los principales inconvenientes es el no poder hacer fuego porque tus herramientas quedan inservibles cuando se m...

Controlando un LED con un LDR en Arduino

07 January 2015- 4 mins read

Usar un LDR para automatizar una tarea suele ser un ejemplo muy básico a la hora de empezar con Arduino. Esto es porque aglutina, en pocas líneas, todo lo que necesitas para empezar con fuerza en e...

Giving a second chance to a pair of director-type chairs

08 May 2014- 1 min read

So, this is what happened, I was taking a walk and a pair of director-type chairs crossed my way, dropped in the garbage section of a house. The chairs are ok but a bit faded by the passing of time...

How to make a coke Watering can

04 May 2014- 1 min read

A watering can is a portable container, usually with a handle and a spout, used to water plants by hand.

Refrigerar el chipset de la placa base

03 October 2004- 1 min read

Refrigerar el chipset es buena idea. Tras colocar un nuevo disipador al procesador y un ventilador con 3 leds, he pensado que quizá sería buena idea colocarle un ventilador de un viejo pentium al c...