Tag "blockchain"

3 results

Alibaba Cloud's Unique Role in Securing Blockchain Applications

29 August 2023- 6 mins read

Blockchain is great and it has a huge potential for the future, but one of its critical vulnerabilities is the integrity of its nodes, the backbone of the system. In an Internet with more Web3.0 ap...

NFTool PRO was showcased in the AddZest research

06 July 2023- 8 mins read

Seeing one of my projects, NFTool PRO, featured in the AddZest’s research “Wallet Journeys,” was a moment to celebrate. It affirmed the efforts we have poured into developing a platform empowering ...

Blockchain en China

13 February 2023- 5:28 minutes

Descubre en esta entrevista el impacto del blockchain en China. Exploramos cómo esta tecnología de registro distribuido ha ganado popularidad en el país y su aplicación en diversos sectores. Una mi...