Soyuz launch, rendezvous, docking, undocking, reentry & landing

- 24 November 2014 - 2 mins read

Soyuz launch

[11m 29s]

What are the parts of the Soyuz rocket? What are the stages into orbit? What is the launch sequence? Watch and find out. This video has been produced from an actual lesson delivered to the ESA astronaut class of 2009 (also known as the #Shenanigans09) during their ESA Basic Training in 2009-2010

Soyuz Rendezvous and Docking

[21m 06s]

This second video in the ‘Journey to the International Space Station’ series follows the Soyuz capsule from Earth orbit to docking with the Space Station. Featuring interviews with ESA astronauts Luca Parmitano, Frank De Winne and Paolo Nespoli, and an introduction by Alexander Gerst, it includes unique footage taken from inside the Soyuz spacecraft.

Soyuz Undocking, Reentry and Landing

[20m 45s]

How does an astronaut return to Earth from the International Space Station? What does it feel like to re-enter the atmosphere? How does the Soyuz capsule function? Watch and find out. This video is based on an actual lesson delivered to the ESA astronaut class of 2009 (also known as the #Shenanigans09) during their ESA Basic Training. It features interviews with astronauts who have flown on the Soyuz and dramatic footage of actual landings.

This videos is a joint production of the ESA Human Spaceflight & Operation Astronaut Training Division & Promotion Office

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