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Mi kit EDC para montañismo

19 November 2021- 2 mins read

Este no pretende ser un post sobre lo que debes o no llevar al monte. Solo quería compartir mi kit EDC, que, basado en mi experiencia, ha demostrado ser suficiente para manejar casi cualquier situa...

Upgrading my MTBs rear disc from 160 mm to 203 mm

16 November 2021- 3 mins read

Turns out my cycling style when on an MTB is quite intense on the rear brakes, so much that after only 130 km of using my new bike, the rear discs were already showing signs of overheating while th...

Sobre el Parador Provincial de Turismo de Jaizkibel

01 November 2021- 6 mins read

Un poco de historia…

Upgrade Bkool BCycling (Classic or Pro pre-Aug2014) to ANT+ FE-C

11 October 2021- 6 mins read

Hopefully this is useful for more people like me who, like me, had an old Bkool Classic rotting in a corner as they couldn’t use it.

Aderezo vietnamita de salsa de pescado (Nước Chấm)

06 October 2021- 1 min read


Host-based routing with Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes (ACK)

05 October 2021- 8 mins read

When creating a multi-deployment platform in Kubernetes, you will quickly realise how many LoadBalancer-type Services you deployed. This is usually not a problem with a self-built, self-hosted Clus...

Testing the new Alibaba Cloud 7th Gen ECS Instances

11 August 2021- 6 mins read

As part of being an Alibaba Cloud MVP, I get to test from time to time new products from this cloud provider for free, which is a really nice thing to have. This greatly helps me with my business, ...

Nueva cuenta en Instagram sobre Tailandia

09 July 2021- 1 min read

Tras un intenso y profundo viaje por toda la geografía de Tailandia, acabo de crear una cuenta de Instagram para contar, desde el punto de vista de un local y en español, cómo se vive en Tailandia: