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Sobre el Parador Provincial de Turismo de Jaizkibel

01 November 2021- 6 mins read

Un poco de historia…

Upgrade Bkool BCycling (Classic or Pro pre-Aug2014) to ANT+ FE-C

11 October 2021- 6 mins read

Hopefully this is useful for more people like me who, like me, had an old Bkool Classic rotting in a corner as they couldn’t use it.

Aderezo vietnamita de salsa de pescado (Nước Chấm)

06 October 2021- 1 min read


Host-based routing with Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes (ACK)

05 October 2021- 8 mins read

When creating a multi-deployment platform in Kubernetes, you will quickly realise how many LoadBalancer-type Services you deployed. This is usually not a problem with a self-built, self-hosted Clus...

Testing the new Alibaba Cloud 7th Gen ECS Instances

11 August 2021- 6 mins read

As part of being an Alibaba Cloud MVP, I get to test from time to time new products from this cloud provider for free, which is a really nice thing to have. This greatly helps me with my business, ...

Nueva cuenta en Instagram sobre Tailandia

09 July 2021- 1 min read

Tras un intenso y profundo viaje por toda la geografía de Tailandia, acabo de crear una cuenta de Instagram para contar, desde el punto de vista de un local y en español, cómo se vive en Tailandia:

Alibaba Cloud Free Tier and Free Services

06 June 2021- 5 mins read

In this post, I want to introduce you to the free tier and always-free services offered by Alibaba Cloud. It’s important to test out the platform and try out the services before deciding to use a c...

Travelling Internationally While COVID-19

28 April 2021- 3 mins read

2020 wasn’t a normal year. Period. Australian fires, Kobe Bryant’s death, COVID-19, a massive monkey brawl in Thailand… But, yes, specially COVID-19.