Called just “Flow“, this is the long-awaited DevOps tool from Alibaba Cloud. Until now, this cloud provider didn’t have any CI/CD platform to help developers automate pipelines. Automating pipeline...
Terms like “Cloud Computing“, “Cloud Server“, “Virtual Machine” or “Database” could be daunting for someone who is just starting. This is why I completely understand the people who are having a har...
Alibaba Cloud’s Elasticsearch Service has come a long way from when it was first introduced, and I believe it is ready for most production workloads. It wipes out most of the pain of operating Elas...
As you know, I’ve been talking and developing production-ready solutions in a Serverless fashion since 2018, which sounds “forever” in this IT world. In the beginning, I used the amazing tool calle...
Thailand 4.0 is a development plan that aims to transform Thailand into a high-income, innovation-driven economy. It was announced by the Thai government in 2016 and focuses on four main pillars:
Pasó con la imprenta, pasó con las máquinas de hacer hielo, pasó con el tren y pasó con la fotografía.
De un tiempo a esta parte, los avances en el campo de la inteligencia artificial han llevado a la creación de unos nuevos modelos de lenguaje más potentes que en pasado, como el GPT-3 del que hablé...
La masa madre es un tipo de leudado natural que se utiliza como agente de fermentación en la elaboración de pan, panqueques, galletas y otras preparaciones. Se obtiene a partir de una mezcla de agu...