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Basic JavaScript/jQuery example for begginers

25 June 2014- 1 min read

JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the ...

.htaccess basic configuration

17 June 2014- 1 min read

Apache logo

Basic CSS for a Responsive Web

13 June 2014- 1 min read

CSS3 logo

Elongación de cráneos en la antigüedad (Deformación craneal artificial)

11 June 2014- 1 min read

La deformación o elongación craneal artificial es una forma de modificación corporal en la cual el cráneo se deforma intencionadamente.

El túnel de ‘Burro Schmidt’ (Burro Schmidt Tunnel)

08 June 2014- 2 mins read

Aunque podríamos llamarlo “el túnel del señor ese tan burro”, ya que fué excavado por una única persona durante 38 años, en realidad se llama así por el autor, William “Burro” Henry Schmidt (1871–1...

Dinamize the content with PHP

06 June 2014- 1 min read

PHP logo

Politically Correct UNIX

01 June 2014- 5 mins read

In order for UNIX(tm) to survive into the nineties, it must get rid of its intimidating commands and outmoded jargon, and become compatible with the existing standards of our day. To this end, our ...

Correct file & folder permissions for WordPress

28 May 2014- 1 min read

Some plugin desapeared to your WordPress installation? Some hacked thing? No problem, if you fix the file permissions on your files you will harden your site.