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Toy, Yello’s last album

05 October 2016- 1 min read

The await was long, but finally arrived. The new album of Yello, Toy, is impressive, exceeding my personal expectations about an album of this kind of music that is released nowadays.

¿Son los escépticos unos cabezones?

14 September 2016- 4 mins read

¿Escéptico de mente cerrada?

El traje nuevo del emperador [Resumen]

08 September 2016- 5 mins read

El traje nuevo del emperador como cuento, junto al “Aún aprendo” de Goya y otros, es uno de mis referentes intelectuales en torno a cómo afrontar la vida. No siendo fan de los libros de autoayuda, ...

‘Quixote & México’ vs ‘Quijote & Méjico’

08 August 2016- 3 mins read

Navegando por Internet he encontrado algunos interesantes debates sobre la pronunciación de la x en el español, donde sobresalen términos como ‘Don Quixote‘ o ‘México‘, los cuales se deben pronunci...

The myth of water intake per day

02 August 2016- 1 min read

The health myth that just won’t go away

The Bechdel-Wallace test

23 July 2016- 1 min read

The rules now known as the Bechdel-Wallace test first appeared in 1985 in Alison Bechdel’s comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For. In a strip titled “The Rule“, two women, who resemble the future chara...

Country detection via PHP

24 April 2016- 1 min read

Imagine a with some, with content related to each country. One solution is a javascript-based country detector that could ask the visitor to change the cur...

Basic flexbox structure

18 March 2016- 1 min read

Flexbox! That thing, everyone talks about that but anyone actually knows how to handle it =P