When dealing with GitHub, we used to always link it with CI/CD tools like CircleCI, Jenkins or Travis, among other tools, to extend the functionality of its resources and also to automate a wide va...
The day came. I’m selling my Aeronetics (AAR) Indicator Course Selector 5160. My plan was to build a home simulator, but due to the decrease in price on high-res monitors and the complexity of simu...
Al igual que sucede con el tomate frito, la cuajada o mamia es una cosa tan del norte de España como la trikitixa o el cachopo. Y es algo que también descubrí después de buscar, sin suerte, este po...
He tenido la suerte de vivir en una zona muy diversa culturalmente y, por tanto, de haber tenido la oportunidad de conocer gente de prácticamente todos los rincones del mundo (muy enriquecedor para...
Vídeo sobre cómo crear una instancia ECS en Alicloud, fácil y rápido. En español.
For some time I’ve been trying to build my own EDC (everyday carry) kit for different situations. One of the requirements is to be able to boil water (to cook or to clean water). For this I tried t...
I always wanted to know how sites like FlightGear24 or FlightAware worked. Doing my research I found they use Digital Radio receptors to decode the signals planes are continuously broadcasting on t...