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Testing the new Alibaba Cloud 6th Gen ECS Instances

07 December 2020- 6 mins read

As part of being an Alibaba Cloud MVP Diamond, I get to test from time to time new products from this cloud provider for free, which is a really nice thing to have. In this occasion, thanks to some...

[Webinar] El Ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud

24 September 2020- 13:31 minutes

El 24 de septiembre hice un pequeño webinar (15 minutos). En esta sesión descubriremos el ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud e introduciremos los servicios y herramientas que este proveedor clo...

The Apsara Conference Dialogue, Alberto Roura

23 September 2020- 3:14 minutes

At the Apsara Conference 2020 I shared with the public why I chose Alibaba Cloud:

Protecting Your Data With Alibaba Cloud KMS

18 August 2020- 6 mins read

Cloud providers, specially those ranked higher like Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud or Amazon Web Services, tend to follow very scrupulously all regulations everywhere they have a data center or PoP...

Moving the internal electronics of an Audi 3-key remote

07 August 2020- 1 min read

I recently got a replacement case for my Audi 3-key remote. The kit only comes with the actual housing, so the idea is to replace everything inside. The only “gotcha” I found when replacing the ele...

Cross-region replicated Container Registry in Alibaba Cloud

02 August 2020- 12:08 minutes

When you start your journey around deploying services in China, soon you realise that is not the same as in the rest of places. You even feel that your prior DevOps/Ops experience doesn’t help much...

Entrevista con Robert Walters acerca de Alibaba Cloud

09 July 2020- 42:36 minutes

El miércoles 15 de julio Robert Walters me entrevistó, en directo, sobre la presencia del Cloud de Alibaba, y las oportunidades que ofrece este tipo de tecnología en general a aquellas empresas que...

Create a Cross-Region Active-Active Application on Alibaba Cloud

22 June 2020- 10 mins read

Consider the following situation. You are a race-car driver and your car is at the starting line. Your helmet is on and you already heated up your tires. Then, you look to your left, and the driver...