Tengine Docker Image

Tengine is, in a nutshell, Nginx with super-powers. This web server is everything you love about Nginx but with some neat extra features like dynamic module loading (loading modules without recompiling), unbuffered request proxy forwarding (saving precious disk I/Os), support for dynamic scripting language (Lua) for config files, and way more. You can have a look to the full list of features in the Tengine official site.

This web server has been an open source project since December 2011. Made by the Taobao team, an Alibaba Group company and, since then, it’s been used in sites like taobao.com, tmall.com and used internally in Alibaba Cloud as a key part of their CDN’s Load Balancers.

As you can see, Tengine is being tested in some websites with more traffic in the world.


Add a custom default.conf to the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory.

Usage example with Docker Compose

version: "3.9"
    image: roura/tengine
    container_name: tengine
    restart: on-failure
      - "80:80"


Anyone is very welcomed to collaborate to the project in GitHub.

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