Tag "yunqi"

3 results

The Apsara Conference (云栖大会) 2019

29 September 2019- 6 mins read

This article is about my experience at the Apsara Conference 2019, for the Instagram stories posts go to my Instagram profile.

Alibaba Cloud MVP Global Summit 2019

25 September 2019- 1 min read

As part of the Apsara Conference (Yunqi Conference in chinese, 云栖大会), but one day ahead the official start, the MVP Global Summit was held in Hangzhou (杭州).

国画 – 人工智能 – Artificial Intelligence

12 January 2019- 1 min read

This is one of the best “guóhuà” paintings I’ve ever seen. Combines traditional Chinese painting with modernity. In this case, with Artificial Intelligence.