Tag "wordpress"

6 results

Migrate a WordPress site from Alibaba Cloud SAS to ECS

17 January 2022- 10 mins read

Terms like “Cloud Computing“, “Cloud Server“, “Virtual Machine” or “Database” could be daunting for someone who is just starting. This is why I completely understand the people who are having a har...

Reverse proxy with Caddy on WordPress with SSL & Docker

05 October 2017- 3 mins read

WordPress uses the is_ssl() function to determine if SSL is being used in the server. In order to do this, it uses $_SERVER['HTTPS'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] to check if they are set. The proble...

How to create a Template in WordPress without FTP Access

02 November 2015- 1 min read

You want to create a Template in your theme, and somehow you don’t have FTP access in that moment. But, hey, you have the WordPress logins to enter in the backend, so… stay tuned!

WP Multisite to single WordPress manual installation

24 August 2015- 3 mins read

This post was made after a very intense session of 6 hours trying, without luck, to export a wp multisite site using the WordPress tools and plugins. So I decided to do it manually like a real man.

WordPress basic hierarchy

07 August 2014- 1 min read

The following chart will help you to develop better themes for WordPress, is a must-follow structure to do everything in the WordPress way and to build future-proof themes.

Correct file & folder permissions for WordPress

28 May 2014- 1 min read

Some plugin desapeared to your WordPress installation? Some hacked thing? No problem, if you fix the file permissions on your files you will harden your site.