Tag "alinterview"

3 results

Cloudcast, Container Networking

27 March 2020- 55:21 minutes

There is a new podcast in town! Well, “Cloudcast” in this case 😅

Experiencing Bullet Time And 6DoF In Hangzhou

01 October 2019- 1 min read

As you know, I recently co-hosted some of the activities during the Apsara Conference in Hangzhou. Among them, the Apsara Entertainment area. This is where I found myself, standing before a semicir...

MVP Interview at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 5:26 minutes

I was interviewed by Wei Tong, Senior Content Marketing Strategist at Alibaba Cloud. We discussed my motivations to become an MVP, talked about the evolution of the industry and explained how Aliba...