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Country detection via PHP

24 April 2016- 1 min read

Imagine a with some, with content related to each country. One solution is a javascript-based country detector that could ask the visitor to change the cur...

Basic flexbox structure

18 March 2016- 1 min read

Flexbox! That thing, everyone talks about that but anyone actually knows how to handle it =P

How to create a Template in WordPress without FTP Access

02 November 2015- 1 min read

You want to create a Template in your theme, and somehow you don’t have FTP access in that moment. But, hey, you have the WordPress logins to enter in the backend, so… stay tuned!

There is a datacenter that runs on lake water

13 September 2015- 2 mins read

In the heart of Chunan (淳安县), right on the famous Qiandao Lake (千岛湖) lies what is probably the greenest datacenter in the world.

Script to make paged online tests with jQuery and Bootstrap

07 September 2015- 1 min read

Ok, you want know if you are a positive or negative person. Or maybe you want to know if your death is close. Or you just want a personality test. Anyway, you are here because you need to build an ...

WP Multisite to single WordPress manual installation

24 August 2015- 3 mins read

This post was made after a very intense session of 6 hours trying, without luck, to export a wp multisite site using the WordPress tools and plugins. So I decided to do it manually like a real man.


16 April 2015- 1 min read


Aun Aprendo, de Francisco Goya

23 February 2015- 13 mins read

Aun aprendo (Álbum G, 54)