Navegando por Internet he encontrado algunos interesantes debates sobre la pronunciación de la x en el español, donde sobresalen términos como ‘Don Quixote‘ o ‘México‘, los cuales se deben pronunci...
The health myth that just won’t go away
The rules now known as the Bechdel-Wallace test first appeared in 1985 in Alison Bechdel’s comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For. In a strip titled “The Rule“, two women, who resemble the future chara...
Acabo de regresar de mis vacaciones en España. Era la primera vez que visitaba mi tierra tras dos años viviendo en Brisbane.
Imagine a with some, with content related to each country. One solution is a javascript-based country detector that could ask the visitor to change the cur...
Flexbox! That thing, everyone talks about that but anyone actually knows how to handle it =P
You want to create a Template in your theme, and somehow you don’t have FTP access in that moment. But, hey, you have the WordPress logins to enter in the backend, so… stay tuned!
In the heart of Chunan (淳安县), right on the famous Qiandao Lake (千岛湖) lies what is probably the greenest datacenter in the world.