Tag "meetup"

6 results

[Webinar] El Ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud

24 September 2020- 13:31 minutes

El 24 de septiembre hice un pequeño webinar (15 minutos). En esta sesión descubriremos el ecosistema Serverless de Alibaba Cloud e introduciremos los servicios y herramientas que este proveedor clo...

Entrevista con Robert Walters acerca de Alibaba Cloud

09 July 2020- 42:36 minutes

El miércoles 15 de julio Robert Walters me entrevistó, en directo, sobre la presencia del Cloud de Alibaba, y las oportunidades que ofrece este tipo de tecnología en general a aquellas empresas que...

August Edition, Sydney Serverless [Meetup]

30 July 2019- 3 mins read

Alibaba Cloud have kindly invited us to their Castlereagh Street offices in between Martin Place and Wynyard stations.

IoT with Alibaba Cloud [Meetup]

08 March 2019- 1 min read

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud’s IoT platform and discussion of different use-cases. Hear how to leverage the IoT platform to create the next-gen gadgets.

Going Serverless with Alibaba Cloud [Meetup]

28 September 2018- 1 min read

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud’s Serverless platform and discussion of different use-cases. Hear how to leverage the Serverless platform to create the next-gen applications by leveraging microservic...

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud and Devops tools [Meetup]

27 July 2018- 1 min read

Our first Meetup in Brisbane! What is Alibaba Cloud? What are the differences with other providers? Get answer for all this questions and more in our first introductory event where we will review t...