Tag "cloud"

16 results

El 996 Chino

17 February 2023- 15:43 minutes

Descubre el controvertido concepto laboral conocido como “El 996 Chino” en esta entrevista. Exploramos cómo esta práctica de trabajar de 9 a.m. a 9 p.m., seis días a la semana, ha generado debates ...

La Guerra de Chips

15 February 2023- 6:36 minutes

En esta entrevista, Adrián y yo exploramos la guerra de chips entre China y Estados Unidos. Descubre las razones detrás de esta rivalidad tecnológica y su impacto en la economía global. Analizamos ...

Blockchain en China

13 February 2023- 5:28 minutes

Descubre en esta entrevista el impacto del blockchain en China. Exploramos cómo esta tecnología de registro distribuido ha ganado popularidad en el país y su aplicación en diversos sectores. Una mi...

El Gran Cortafuegos Chino

11 February 2023- 5:02 minutes

Descubre en esta entrevista el concepto del “Gran Cortafuegos Chino”. Exploramos cómo este sistema de censura y control de Internet en China ha generado debates sobre la libertad de expresión y el ...

Inter-VPC connections with Alibaba Cloud Firewall Enterprise

02 April 2021- 4 mins read

In the last article I talked about the product called Cloud Firewall, the FaaS (Firewall as a Service) from Alibaba Cloud, a great alternative and a must-go in terms of capabilities, pricing and lo...

Overview of the Cloud Firewall from Alibaba Cloud

01 April 2021- 5 mins read

When it comes to protecting machines from malicious network connections there are plenty of options, and depends on which portion of the network request you care about.

Entrevista con Robert Walters acerca de Alibaba Cloud

09 July 2020- 42:36 minutes

El miércoles 15 de julio Robert Walters me entrevistó, en directo, sobre la presencia del Cloud de Alibaba, y las oportunidades que ofrece este tipo de tecnología en general a aquellas empresas que...

Create a Cross-Region Active-Active Application on Alibaba Cloud

22 June 2020- 10 mins read

Consider the following situation. You are a race-car driver and your car is at the starting line. Your helmet is on and you already heated up your tires. Then, you look to your left, and the driver...

Alibaba Cloud Academy Day 2020

27 February 2020- 5 mins read

As you may know, I’m a fan of the Alibaba Cloud Academy since it came to existence. Their way to structure the certifications is unique and really teaches you how to leverage the cloud just the way...

Experiencing Bullet Time And 6DoF In Hangzhou

01 October 2019- 1 min read

As you know, I recently co-hosted some of the activities during the Apsara Conference in Hangzhou. Among them, the Apsara Entertainment area. This is where I found myself, standing before a semicir...

MVP Interview at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 5:26 minutes

I was interviewed by Wei Tong, Senior Content Marketing Strategist at Alibaba Cloud. We discussed my motivations to become an MVP, talked about the evolution of the industry and explained how Aliba...

MVP Booth Tour part 2 at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 4:11 minutes

To help people understand what was going on in the different exhibitions, we made a tour showcasing the top activities inside the hall C. Don’t miss these videos if you want to see how bad at skate...

MVP Booth Tour part 1 at the Apsara Conference 2019

30 September 2019- 4:36 minutes

To help people understand what was going on in the different exhibitions, we made a tour showcasing the top activities inside the hall C. Don’t miss these videos if you want to see how bad at skate...

How I built a serverless SaaS product on Alibaba Cloud

11 July 2019- 11 mins read

Cirrus Audit Panel is a multicloud resource optimisation SaaS platform targeted to SME businesses (investors welcomed). It aims to help IT professionals deal with multiple cloud providers and accou...

Alibaba Cloud Academy Certifications

11 January 2019- 3 mins read

Alibaba Cloud Academy is the certification and training department of Alibaba Cloud (阿里云). There you can learn from Alibaba Cloud experts, improve your skills and knowledge. All training courses ar...

Deploying and Best Practices with Alibaba Cloud

11 May 2018- 12 mins read

With this How-To I want to talk about Best Practices using Alibaba Cloud (阿里云) deploying a new website/webapp to their infrastructure, also covering the implementation of the maintenance. The artic...